Shown above are applicants during Frankfurt PCG’s consular outreach in Munich, held at the Pullach Community Hall on 22 November 2019.
25 November 2019 – The Philippine Consulate General in Frankfurt held its fourth consular outreach mission for the year in Munich, Bavaria last November 22. The outreach mission was undertaken in cooperation with Dr. Stefan Detig, Philippine Honorary Consul for Bavaria, who secured the use of the community hall of Pullach, the municipality where he previously served as mayor, as venue for the outreach. Deputy Consul General Emil Fernandez headed the team, with Administrative Officer Bayani Sibug and Consular Assistants Lolit Balansag, Dona Mallari and Violeta Bautista as members. Mr. Rene Mangune of the Philippine Overseas Labor Office attended to labor-related concerns and accepted applications for OWWA membership.

Left photo shows Mr. Bayani Sibug and Ms. Susan Gonzales processing consular documents, while Ms. Violeta Bautista (hidden) and Ms. Dona Mallari, right photo, capture the biometric data of passport applicants.
Bavaria is home to the largest number of Filipinos in Germany. According to latest figures, there are 4,700 Filipinos living and working in the state, comprising 19 percent of the country’s total. Many of the Filipinos in Bavaria are married to German nationals, with professionals also present in the engineering, information technology and healthcare sectors. (END)
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