A German-produced documentary film entitled, “Philippines- The Hidden Champion of Southeast Asia” premiered on 20 April at the Gloria Cinema in Stuttgart, Germany.
The film is part of the project of German students of Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW), which are higher educational institutions in Germany that focus on tailoring education and training to the specific needs of the workplace. The film provided a look into the vast array of work by German companies in the Philippines such as Urban Greens – Urban Farming, Bauer AG, CS Garment, and the Porsche Aftersales Vocational Education (PAVE) program in Don Bosco Technical Institute. It also featured some tourism destinations such as Manila, Cebu, Bohol, Mindoro, Masbate, Samar, and Negros.
The film thus provided an exciting insight into the business potentials in the Philippines that especially harness the Philippines’ greatest asset, its human resource. END
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